Thursday, March 10, 2011

...and now for something completely different?

It's no secret that I've pretty much given up on the dopamax as the answer to my problem. I simply couldn't hack the side effects and I figured out that the reactions to continued migraines while on dopamax is really really ugly. I wake up feeling like I have the flu, I am more nauseated than I've ever been and totally non-functional. During prior migraines, I could at least typically, pull myself together, get the kids ready for school and suffer through the day with the blinding pain. But this can't happen with blinding pain PLUS nausea PLUS shakes (flu-like symptoms). So my low dose of dopamax is not only not helping, but making it worse. Okay, time for a new game plan. Saturday, for let's say giggles, I'm going to see the local voodoo guy, our highly acclaimed herbalist and iridologist. As I have said before, he has a cult following, many a folk doth swear by him. So, we shall see. Stay tuned for a full report. If walking in the spirit world doesn't work, I guess the next stop will be a full-fledged neurologist... The Almighty forbid I actually get an MRI... I hear the knocking now... "Hey Dawg, did you see the size of that chicken?"

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry to hear that you're still having these many problems with migraines. Drugs are bad, mm-kay? I have had, wait for it, count them, 2 MRIs in the last 5 weeks. I cannot express accurately how much I hate them. Bless you if you have to get a brain MRI where they put your head in a cage and plunge you head first into that circular coffin for 40 minutes. And the knocking... yeesh. We have lots of catching up to do.
