My mom recently gave up her large flower garden, as she just isn't able to keep it lovely any longer. Before the bulldozer came through, she asked me to come in and transplant whatever I wanted to my own yard. It was a beautiful day and mom, recovering from a recent surgery, sat outside to supervise the digging up of irises, daylillies, azaleas, candytuft, daffodils, and variagated liriope. It was a nice way to spend part of the afternoon together, she and I. The digging was easy since it was all mulch. Then I got all these plants home with the daunting task of digging holes in my hard as a rock, mostly clay yard.
This took several afternoons after work and part of the next saturday. Of course, I'm well pleased with myself. But the best part is the discovery of the little sprout you see in the photo there. Since the Dude and I said our I Do's, that's eleven years past, I have wanted peonies to grow in my yard. We've lived in five different houses, at which almost every one of them I've attempted to plant peonies, and FINALLY my wish has been granted! Last year, I purchased yet another peony bulb from a local lady, thinking, one more fruitless attempt. And yet, there it is, actually beginning to grow. BIG SMILES This makes me pretty happy as my grandmother's nickname for me as a child was Peony and she always grew them so easily. Well Grandma, I hope you can see this one when it blooms. This baby is just for you!
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