Monday, May 16, 2011

And we have liftoff.

STS-134 Endeavour Space Shuttle Launch HD

This morning I joined my 5-year-old in her classroom to view Endeavour's final launch. I guess I thought, "It's no big deal, I just want Elena to see it and remember something about it." I absolutely did not expect the feelings that watching the launch would stir in me. I'm typically not affected by many things, unless they tick me off; however, this was different. Prior to the launch, I said a prayer to God that these astronauts would lift off safely. I could not bear the thought of another shuttle disaster searing itself into the memory of my sweet child, nor could I bear the thought of another group of our brightest individuals being lost. Thankfully, we enjoyed watching an educational moment together, something I truly hope my little girl will remember since the shuttle era is coming to a rapid close. I was so struck by the contrast of the fiery lift-off and the quiet peace that comes afterward. I actually held my breath for the first 60 seconds or so after it started.
I look back at some of the negative comments made by people on youtube and I think, "For one measly second, can't you put your ugly cynicism aside and be awed by those more intelligent than you?" I swear, ignorance abounds. But I digress, here are a couple of comments overheard in the kindergarten classroom: "I hope they have enough food." "This is SO COOL!" "Can we watch a cartoon now?" I love children. It's really something when children have more intelligent things to say than the cynical adults looking at youtube. When you were a child, and you watched the shuttles leave Earth, weren't you the least bit amazed at what you witnessed? I know I was! Always! And I also know that I was sick in 1986 when we lost Challenger. That was a tough year, losing that beautiful shuttle, its astronauts, and also my Granddad. Somehow, it all ran together for me. The way I figure it, a year with a successful shuttle flight is a good one and I'm going to be sad to see them go. Some may say it's a waste of money; but someone's opinion of what constitutes a waste is all relative. I see money being wasted everyday in a hundred different places, they just don't do a live viewing on CNN to showcase it. All I can say is this: If you are a critic, I would like you to show me your great achievements and accomplishments so I can awed by your awesomeness too.
Until then, I'll just watch this.

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