Saturday, March 12, 2011

My, but what indicative eyes you have!

I admit, I had been looking forward to my appointment with the herbalist for the latter half of the week. Maybe it's the novelty of trying a new thing, maybe it's sheer desperation, maybe it's the possibility of being let in on some secret and elusive thing (sort of like having God appear to you in a dream and keeping him to yourself). I couldn't wait to see what photos of each iris might reveal. And so, this is how our visit began. Each eyeball was photographed and inspected in GIANT. My eyes look a little weird all blown up like that, and apparently quite telling. This is called an iridology health analysis.
First on the list of ills- digestion! Apparently what the medical world might call IBS stems from esophageal and colonic inflammation due to my lack of digestion of proteins. Bring on the food enzymes to aid that, reduce my meat a bit and cut out sodas. (Thankfully I get to keep my coffee, tea and beer- yay!) To help clean out that ol' colon I'll be taking shots of Whole Leaf Aloe Vera. Okay, that stuff tastes pretty nasty, let me tell you. Later on we'll be looking at probiotics. Next ailment for attention- sinus inflammation! Apparently the Zyrtec I take every night is a futile attempt at guarding against allergies. Here we call on an Echinacea/Goldenseal combination, in mass quantities at first, in order to clean out my head. This ought to make the Dude very happy since he's been complaining about my coughing since day one. Because my lymph nodes have been the dumping ground for all the toxins from sinus infections and infections in my colon, they need to be cleansed as well. Enter special exercises, lots of water and if I choose, massage therapy. In the near future we'll be looking at the thyroid also since Voodoo Guy says he suspects it's low, this can be confirmed with a simple temperature test which I'll be doing at home. More on that in a future post. Perhaps you are curious as to why I bother typing all this in here. It's for me to remember as well as for others who may have similar issues. I don't mind being a reference point if needed. The last issue is the weaning off of the dopamax. Because of the nature of the drug, Voodoo Guy feels I would be better served easing myself off with support from an herb called Lobelia (which would be the spirit world's version of an anti-convulsant I suppose). He's glad I'm no longer on birth-control pills and feels that past long term use has probably done some damage over the years. Several issues were mentioned today, from my migraines to fatigue to the fibrocystic changes in my breast tissue. Wouldn't it be quite amazing if after several months of working with the herbalist, that I begin to feel as though these things weren't really issues any longer? What if the panacea of well-being really exists within that Voodoo Guy's scope of practice? Several people I know swear by his recommendations. I'm an excellent test-case since I generally feel pretty crappy (albeit crappy with a pretty decent attitude). All this took over an hour of consultation today, on a saturday. I didn't have to miss work and I didn't have to sit in a germ-filled waiting room and read tacky magazines or watch Geraldo. He asked questions, he welcomed my questions, he listened, he hugged (we're in the spirit world, they can't see us). It's a totally different experience, that's for darn sure. I'll be updating progress, of course, as a matter of science and health. As always, I appreciate my readers. And I really appreciate my friend C.S. who basically helped convince me to go to the Voodoo Guy. Apparently she's my sponsor and I hope she gets some kind of lovely discount because of it. If anyone else reading this, has similar experiences which may be helpful, I would appreciate a comment below. The majority of people out there may not take any of this seriously, but for me, this is worth a shot... of Aloe Vera drink.


  1. Sarah named her aquatic frogs Otho and Lobelia after the Sackvill Baggins in the Lord of the Rings. Sadly, Lobelia died after trying to end her own life by somehow jumping out of her water. Otho is still hanging in there with a plastic frog substitute. Alas, it's not nearly the conversationalist as Lobelia, but definitely doesn't eat as many frog pellets. Hope the Lobelia plant works for you! I am so sorry that you are having the health issues. My body fell apart at 27 but I do try and put a good face on it as well. Hope you are doing better this evening and keep writing about the voodoo guy.

  2. Sadly, one day I may be replaced by a plastic wife once I die as I too probably eat too many pellets & talk too much. Yap yap yap ;)
