I am up late with Rudy on my mind. Earlier, I had received the news, or maybe it was confirmation in my world of denial, that our sweet boxer has cancer. Our veterinarian, whom we trust, says this isn't treatable. But he was surprised at how well Rudy was doing. Rudy-dog is a tough guy after all. I was told that we're going to have make a decision as his quality of life will not go on to be as good as it has been. Of course, on the way home from his appointment, I cried. And then, later as I was at my desk, it hit me again, even harder- I'm going to have to get used to the idea of saying good-bye again. It feels like I just did this with Hakeem the Dream. We lost That Weem in the fall of 2009 and I still pine away for that dog. Chris found Rudy in 2001 and so we've known him longer than we've known our oldest daughter. Chris says that Rudy is the first pet that was all his. I must admit, I was a little miffed when he walked into our first home with this puppy and hadn't asked me about it first. But he was the cutest little puppy I had ever seen with all that extra skin and one brindle ear. I always liked to say that he has a face only a mother could love, and I do love it! Rudy is riddled with bad, recessive genes. Being a white boxer, he knows he's lucky to have survived. Without his one brindle ear he would have been like most whites, deaf or dead. He's always had weird skin allergies, shed like crazy and looked at the UPS man with serious, paranoid disdain. He has, all his life, acted a little bit aloof, much like a person. I must say he's been an awesome pet. He has literally looked after my children as they have grown up. When they play outside, he's never far away. Even now, being as sick as he is, he follows us whenever we jog, ride bikes and go to the lake. He's on three legs since an injury back last winter and he still keeps up with us. He never complains. That is the worst part of this whole ordeal. This 10 1/2 year old boxer-pup never tells you that he is in pain. He lets you doctor on him and tend to him and he has never snapped, growled or whimpered. He still eats like it's his last meal and then goes and kicks Lilly out of her bowl. He just acts normal, with the exception of slowing down in his old age.
Today, at the vet's office, Rudy came up to me and put his head on my knee, as if to say, "Rub my ear, I need you." It's like he has seen this movie and he knows how it ends. And now, I lie awake in the night and think about what this dog means to me and my family. I suppose I'm going to come at this like I did with Hakeem. I'll feed him whatever I can get him to eat as his health declines and we'll keep him warm and comfortable. We'll show him as much love as a family can give to a family member and then when it's time, he'll let us know. This is how it went down before and it wasn't easy. I expect this will be no easier. I keep asking myself, why do we get pets? We know this is inevitable with all God's creatures. But, in my heart, I know that our lives are so much richer having loved these animals and having been loved by them.
This photo was taken during the summer of 2011. We adopted Lillybelle in 2010 to keep Rudy company after we lost Hakeem in '09. They have gotten along very well since she came to us.
Here Rudy enjoys hosting the Bailey Seafood Boil in 2010. He was still on all fours in this shot. As you can see, his facial expression doesn't change much from photo to photo.
This is almost my all-time favorite photo of Rudy and Hakeem together- the Yin and the Yang.

I am so sorry to hear this.. my heart is with you all the way. I know how you feel as i lost mine to cancer in 2010.. we rescued her and she lived nearly 4 years when we got her.. My prayers are also with u xxx just comfort him and give him what he want... chocolate aswell.. thats what i did with mine...i was 6 and half months pregnant with my daughter when i lost my Ruby.. just wished she has been here for the birth of my Daughter as she would of loved her so much... please take your other dog with u when the time comes so she can say goodbye it helps them to deal with their loss also xxx love hugs and licks from our babies too xxx
ReplyDeleteI just clicked here from the Facebook group too. I am heartbroken for you. I can't imagine your pain. I lost Sargie in 2009 and am still realing from it. I got the two I have now (Spook and Nilly-the Evils) and Nilly was diagnosed wtith cancer almost two years ago now. Hers was treatable and so far so good--or at least we think so. Your story makes me ache for you. I wish him a long happy healthy period of time. I am so sorry.
ReplyDeleteI sit here and cry with you, sweet Stephanie. Rudy knows what a good mom and dad he has and that his family loves him very much. Hold on to that. You've given him a full life - no matter the number of years. Your life now has a new pain that will forever be called 'missing Rudy'. That pain will, in its own way, keep you connected to Rudy after he is gone. But, memories of long walks, his head on your knee, and his sweet eyes will bring you peace (and smiles) and remind you of the good life you shared. Letting go is as much an act of love (at times more so) than holding on. You will know when he asks this great act from you. In the meantime, Bobby and I are hugging you from across the fields and country roads. Wishing you peace and strength.
ReplyDeleteOh that is a sweet blog. I am so sad to hear that also. He is quite the brave heart. love you all.
ReplyDeleteIt brought tears to my eyes as I read your blog about Rudy. I totally understand what you are going through. I lost my Toby to cancer 1.5 years ago. He was my wing man and he meant the world to me. Rudy will be in my thoughts and prayers as you and your family go trough this difficult time.
ReplyDeleteThank you everyone for your kind words. Rudy was up eating like a pig this morning and wagging that sweet nub of his. The prednisone his Vet put him on has him whoofing down everything in sight. It's a fine day here and so we'll be taking a run down to the lake together. Your thoughts and prayers are really appreciated.
ReplyDeleteFirst, Im so sorry about your Rudy. Second, our Max is a VERY hungry bear on Pred too. Today he dodged for my husband's toast! Max was diagnosed with lymphoma last year today, went into remission in Jan, but then relapsed in Oct. He is doing OK, but the chemo is not doing the trick as well this time. That said, Pred seems to work OK. Try to modulate the dose if you need. Sending our thoughts.
ReplyDeleteTr y to include K-9 IMMUNITY in treatment ,I have female boxer 11 years old and she was diagnosed with bone cancer this year in April she lost one leg and I look at internet and got information about this supplement which is produced from Aloha Medicinals Inc. She is today cancer free gain weight she was only 18,5 kilos heavy before and now she is 28,5 kilos.I give to her every morning young cheease( i dont know word in your language for that)about 200grams,one large spoon of sour cream around 22% of fat ,one large spoon of salomon oil(one morning),and one small spoon of honey(every other morning)this is her breakfast in wich i put this tablets depending of weight (mine takes 4 a day),and for lunch I just give her fresh ground beef meat(this is very important for immunity and for blood references)!
ReplyDeleteI hope that this might help to stay with you as longer as possibile and in best shape as he can be,we send you our best prays from Sarajevo(Bosnia and Herzegovina) hang on!Tamara and Amareta
As a follow-up to this, we did lose our Rudy March 1st, 2012. I have been unable to bring myself to post about it to date. The process seemed so drawn-out, when it was over, I just didn't have the energy to deal with it. I miss that dog every day. Perhaps in a later post, I can write a little more. He was buried next to his best bro, Hakeem. I'm already thinking about ways to continue beautifying their little spot on the property.
ReplyDeleteLillibelle misses Rudy too. For the first couple days, she spent quite a bit of time down where he was laid to rest. It's strange ow perceptive our animals are about these things. She is getting used to being an only dog now, but I'm having a hard time adjusting to it. But that's for another post.