Sometimes I wonder how it is I ended up with the decent spelling skills I have, especially considering that my Dad is like the worst speller on earth (bless him). I was working with a child this morning who can't spell a lick. I kept thinking, if only this kid had a Speak & Spell. I had one, and I'll bet that made some difference in my acquisition of spelling skills. To say I wore my Texas Instruments toy out would be an understatement. I would venture to say that this was one of my very favorite toys I had growing up, nerd that I was and still am. I liked spelling and the games were pretty cool on this machine. I mean, it wasn't Atari Asteroids or anything, but I really got into my Speak & Spell. And so, through the immeasurable magic of the world wide web, I quickly located the above Speak & Spell simulator. Even the voice is the same which makes me totally grin from ear to ear! This is the stuff that my personal nocturnal dreams are made of. Damn, I'm such a geek. I would do just about anything to get my hands on one of these again and so I suppose I will begin a search for one (much like the AWESOME HAPPY APPLE I managed to find in an antique store a couple of years ago).

You are not a nerd, just a natural at being a life-long learner :-)