What a way to spend the morning! I have worked here for almost 5 years and today I finally attended my first Special Olympics event. I've been wanting to attend one of the these for a while, but they always fall on the weekdays I have lots and lots of therapy scheduled. Thanks to a rain postponement, this event got moved to Friday! Hooray! I was able to attend for about half the time before leaving for a meeting. Many hugs from some of my favorite students later, I am back at my desk thinking about how lovely it all was. These kids are really some of the best humans I know. They don't always rise to my challenges and their frustrations show; however, they always accept and love me and all their teachers unconditionally. I was thinking that if everyone knew this kind of unconditional love on earth, how wonderful our lives would be. You know, my husband and I don't always see eye to eye on a thing and sometimes there is a little tension in our lives. But I can't help but love the dude, pretty much unconditionally. Sometimes I feel like this here monkey, desperately in love with some aloof creature who doesn't seem to notice, yet I just can't help myself. Who wouldn't love a creature with wings that soar? That kind of love hurts but can also be fairly rewarding when the creature shares his worms with you.

Of course I cannot take credit for the above monkey photo, some other monkey posted that and it ended up in an email. Anyway, these kids, in all their glory, competed today as if their lives depended on it and their smiles were as big as the football field. They are brave in the attempt, not only in their event, but in their relationships as well. These young men and women know about love, if they don't know anything else. If you ever have the pleasure to work with children like this, you can't help but relish your time with them and revel in their successes.
Part of the fun of Special Olympics is the support given by the host school. Lots of clubs and classes turn out to cheer on the
athletes or volunteer in other capacities. There is lots of attention and praise given to the
athletes by their peers from school, which is a great learning experience for all of us. I'm so glad I got to go today and cheer on my friends from all three of my schools. The photo below is one taken of me with the cousins who said, "Aw, come on, don't we take enough of these at Christmas?" Sorry boys, I love you too, thanks for coming to cheer on the
athletes! What a great morning!
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