For anyone who read the previous post linking you to Linda Hodgdon's webinar, you will interested to note that I have followed up on the idea of Picture Talk. Today I tried it for the first time with my little friend who lives with Autism and is non-verbal. I call him my friend, although for now, I'm still trying to win his love. I literally have to make him come to my room for therapy, probably because I'm trying to get him to do what I want him to do. Today, I decided to allow my little friend a little control and put the result in a Picture Talk strip. This trick worked beautifully today! Once I got his little whimpering, resistant self in the room, I let him sort of take the lead and he really enjoyed the drawings. Of course we didn't try to do any of the challenging things that usually get him upset; I'm hoping to work up to that after he gets used to this new modality. The drawings are OH-SO-LAME, but he didn't care. This may not even work out next time, but it got me through today in a most pleasant manner. I am cautiously encouraged. I had the kid right where I want him... but then, it was time to cut out early... to take class pictures. Oh well, one more distraction in an ocean of chaos that is my day in the public school system.