I love love love getting Christmas cards, especially the photos ones from my friends who have children. I get to display them all in this amazing, quilted, denim stocking made by my oh-so-artsy-fartsy friend. I am forever envious of her talents on a sewing machine. She takes old blue jeans, which she procures from family, friends, Goodwill, etc., and creates the most wonderful works of art with them. You may think that the tree would be the best part of the decor at my house, but it's this stocking which tends to capture my gaze for many moments. I like to shuffle the cards around to create a different look from time to time and declare each day a new favorite card, and attempt to create prominate spots for each in turn. In other words, it's just one more outlet for my eternal piddling (as if I needed another). Thank you Artsy-Fartsy-Friend! I love you looooonnnng time!
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