Of course, I have decent insurance, it's one of the reasons I keep a job. But it's still not enough to give free reign on getting a diagnosis and treatment. This year, I've had my annual physical, a mammogram, a small procedure, and post op. The kids have had their typical kid stuff occurrences. Add up all that's left over after insurance has kicked in and you have a mortgage payment plus some...
If, at this time, I were to pursue the "Migraine workup" that everybody wants me to have, I'd be in the poorhouse faster than you can say 'headache' and I think the stress of paying all that off would give me one giant headache. I think for now, I have quite enough medical bills.
Looks like I'll be dependent on the Imitrex for a while longer. Let's be honest, migraines are debilitating, yes. But as long as I have a drug that knocks it out 85% of the time, I will continue to function. It's get the workup or pay the mortgage... I'll take my chances and keep the house.
I know if I pay the mortgage, I get to keep the house. My odds of curing my head are not as good even with the workup.
And then there's the expense of repairing our deluxe leaky shower... oi!
As a side, I know people who live in a doctor's office and I don't know how they do it. How is it some people go see a doctor for every little thing? I'm thinking these are the people who make the premiums go way up for group insurance. As a matter of fact, I can think of a few cases in point right off the top of my head. And these aren't the catastrophic illness people, these are the folks who just go for everything. Lord help them if they really got sick. Let me crawl decrepitly off my soapbox now (grunts and winces at the crick on her back).