On this, the hottest day of the year, I hid indoors. I had promised my children that we could hit the lake around 6:00 but had to break that promise when a much needed thunderstorm came crashing into the neighborhood. It was glorious! The wind, the lightening, the thunder, THE RAIN!! It negated the need for my most hated chore- watering the trees! So after my post-church service nap, I rose to make salsa. My garden has turned out some lovely veggies as you can see above. For my recipe, I'll be using some sweet bell peppers, jalapenos, and Hungarian Wax peppers, as well as some beautifully ripened tomatoes. To de-skin these babies, you must score an X on the bottoms as you see here.
Once you have them scored, boil them for a couple minutes and then plunge them into the icy depths to cease the cooking process. Then they are ready for peeling and chopping.

Once you have chopped up all the tomatoes and peppers, add the onion and spices. I like salt, black pepper, sugar, cumin, chili powder, and ground red pepper. Maybe a touch of garlic as well. Of course, all of this is to personal taste. I let this concoction simmer for most of the day and boy is it yummy when it's all complete.
While we're boiling stuff........

Hubby and kids had a grand time saying things like, "I can't believe my eye" and "I got my eye on you" and "are you seeing what I'm seeing?" ....I guess you had to be there...
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