Saturday, July 31, 2010

Canning- no Grandma attached

I have said for years that I wish I had been paying attention when my Grandma was alive. I could have learned so much about everything. I mean this lady was so incredibly intelligent about everything and I seem to have missed it! Well, I missed everything except the immense amount of love she poured down on me- which was the most important part anyway, right? Lucky for me, there's GOOGLE and "Better Homes and Gardens" for everything else. I used the BHAG for my attempt at canning yesterday. I also must give props to the kind strangers who caught me staring down the different canners in WalMart, giving unsolicited advice, which turned out to be helpful. I would wait for everyone to clear off that particular aisle, then go study the equipment. Suddenly, a kindly old feller would step around from Aisle 9 and say "Looks like you're gonna do some cannin', lemme tell you how I do it." This scenario reoccured maybe 4 times before I finally walked out of WalMart with my first pack of Ball Jars and lids and such. (The process took 2 whole days of deliberation)
So last night, after cooking up homemade spaghetti, there being about a pint leftover and about a pint of homemade salsa sitting in the fridge, I decided to myself "Tonight is the night". I commenced to put all my gathered knowledge to use. (my sweet, adoring husband lovingly says to me "Your water will boil sooner if you put the top on" well duh... at this point, the whole family, myself included was engrossed in the new iCarly episode.) Anyway, after processing, I set the two pint jars (I was only brave enough to try two for fear of utter failure) on the towels to cool. To my dismay, the lids were still popping and I couldn't figure out what I did wrong. I nearly called my Mother-in-law to see if this was a temporary condition, but I figured I'd let them cool and see what happens. Sure enough, by this morning, the lids had sucked down and I had beautifully sealed jars! This is exciting to me, as I feel so self-sustaining! I had finally done this thing that I had wanted to learn yet seemed so foreign to me! I discussed the whole exciting episode with my Mother-in-law this morning and she was happy for me but probably glad that I didn't call her at 11:00 last night to ask her a dumb question.
Now the next thing to learn about is quilting! I already know that I will not be working on this endeavor this year but when I'm ready, I know just the ladies to go to! Until then, I shall continue to perfect my salsa and the tone of my violin. That's enough to keep me busy for now, along with the usual child rearing and working. Happy weekend to my readers...all two of you!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Salsa a mi casa

On this, the hottest day of the year, I hid indoors. I had promised my children that we could hit the lake around 6:00 but had to break that promise when a much needed thunderstorm came crashing into the neighborhood. It was glorious! The wind, the lightening, the thunder, THE RAIN!! It negated the need for my most hated chore- watering the trees! So after my post-church service nap, I rose to make salsa. My garden has turned out some lovely veggies as you can see above. For my recipe, I'll be using some sweet bell peppers, jalapenos, and Hungarian Wax peppers, as well as some beautifully ripened tomatoes. To de-skin these babies, you must score an X on the bottoms as you see here.

Once you have them scored, boil them for a couple minutes and then plunge them into the icy depths to cease the cooking process. Then they are ready for peeling and chopping.

Once you have chopped up all the tomatoes and peppers, add the onion and spices. I like salt, black pepper, sugar, cumin, chili powder, and ground red pepper. Maybe a touch of garlic as well. Of course, all of this is to personal taste. I let this concoction simmer for most of the day and boy is it yummy when it's all complete.
While we're boiling stuff........

Hubby and kids had a grand time saying things like, "I can't believe my eye" and "I got my eye on you" and "are you seeing what I'm seeing?" ....I guess you had to be there...

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Hot morning in VA

I decided at 8a.m. that I'd better get in my garden and pick all I could before it got too hot. Needless to say after 15 minutes of that, my Arkansas Annual Bean Fest and Outhouse Races t-shirt was soaked through. I have found that since moving back from Colorado, I have very little tolerance for heat and humidity. You'd think that after we've been back for so many years, I would have gotten my body back to pre-CO conditioning. But of course, I had another baby and that didn't help either. I used to say that summer was my favorite season, because I loved the heat and laying out to tan. "I'd rather bake than freeze," I'd say. Let's understand that I still hate the cold like crazy, but heat is just not very much better anymore. I guess I'm down to my new favorite season- football season- best season of all!! I can't wait for gridiron action this year. It signifies cooler temps and my hubby and I always enjoy it together. But for today, I intend on two things: working on fresh garden salsa and spending time in the dining room where the girls and I bond over our artistic talents.
I guess you could say that this is where the magic happens... but not really for me. Annelise is so fabulous with her piano and I am just SO AWFUL with my violin. At least I am finally trying and we both have the best teacher. I'll just take this moment to give props to Vernon Carter! I say to him, "talk to me like I'm an 8 year old" and he obliges. He says to me, "It's a good thing you dated a drummer for 3 years, you got some Rhythm!" I'm still totally embarrassed to be playing in front of anyone, but it does get better. I'm now finishing my 3rd cup of coffee of the day and so it's time to actually get going with the salsa. I may attempt to learn about canning today also, no point in making tons of salsa if I can't put it up. It's all a learning curve for me, as growing up, I was never paying attention when folks around me were doing useful things such as canning and quilting. I intend to learn to do it all. Now that I have conquered making a pan of biscuits, I feel as if I can rule the world.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Boil Day

Bailey Boil Day came and went like the torrential rain storm which was drummed up about 2:00 in the afternoon. I'm amazed at how quickly time passes from about 4:00, when most people begin to show up, until 8:30 or so, when people begin to make the mass exodus to view fireworks over the lake. It all happens so fast, I hardly get a moment to breathe. But I do attempt to make the conscious effort to socialize and thank everyone for coming. My husband gives me the cue right about 6:00 that he is about to dump the first pot of seafood and I should go ahead and make my "speech". My speech consists of me telling everyone "thank you" and that we love each and everyone of them and that we thank God for them and for the food. I urge everyone to sign the Book in the garage because of the fact that Chris and I are so anal retentive we like to keep a record of who came from year to year. Besides, what easier way to get asked back right? And then the pots begin to be dumped and for the next two hours, we eat, drink and be merry! I am a happy soul during this time. I don't think about anything except hanging out with my friends and family and enjoying the feast. And then the mass exodus and I never can remember much about this part due to how hectic it can be. My kids, every year, devise a last minute plan to escape with either GaGa or cousins. This year, it was cousins, so we hurriedly threw clothes in a bag and they disappeared before I could even utter a farewell to them. Oh well, back to the guests... and then there were 7 to continue on for a while and nothing could please me more than to have a chance to catch up on a more intimate basis with friends I never get to see!

But let's back up and get a look at some of the preparations from that busy morning as we are preparing. I say thank you to my tent guys and my fabulous kitchen help. If you don't love having your photo up here, please tell me and I can respect that- it'll be history!

The idea was to take lots more photos of prep, just to give an idea of what goes on to prepare for the occasion, but I found that I had very little time for picking up the camera!
As I said before, we did have severe weather to roll in about 2:00 and last until after about 4:00, at which point we had to wipe down all tables and chairs and then began the actual setup (which is normally completed by 3:00, allowing me to relax and socialize). My husband was forced to "batten down the hatches" quite alot in the middle of the downpour and wind gusts of 40mph.
Surprisingly, our guest were undeterred! After doing the unofficial count last night, I'm up to about 100 men, women and children in attendance. What a blessing! Ironically, on Sunday, our priest brought a message based on the story of Martha and Mary hosting Jesus in their home. This lends the question, was I a Martha or a Mary on Saturday? Hard to say, but I hope I was able to strike the balance and that everyone enjoyed themselves.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Bailey Boil Preparations - Day number 76

It does require quite a bit of planning to pull off the Bailey Seafood Boil. This will be the 4th Annual "Burl" and with some meticulous notetaking over the years, we've gotten it down to a science of sorts. Every year we see what works and what doesn't work and things change a little over time. However one thing stays the same: the basic recipe is some kinda yummy!! This year, rather than trying to use Lilly and Rudy's bedroom (our garage) as our main eating area, we will be trying out some tents recently procured through our own Mr. H.R. (who happens to my stepdad and therefore I feel entitled somehow). I hope my sweet hubby has some help putting up these big tents on saturday as I will be majorly busy in the kitchen doing 'woman's work'. But that is to come. Let's take a peek at Wednesday's behind the scenes activities. Above, you'll notice the staging ground for all that's done. There's the planner and the No Worries notebook where all meticulous notations are kept from year to year.

The bar is becoming crowded with Burl Supplies.

Collecting garden tomatoes

Seasoning- a very necessary ingredient.

The ice chest is filled to capacity with shrimp, crablegs and ice!

Kielbasas! Extra yum! Just cut up 10lbs of those lovelies!

I'm not sure just WHAT to do about this little issue.

"What? You talkin' to me?"

I can't stress how important this equipment is! Tables and pots and chairs-oh my...

These chairs needed a good washing after several seasons of utter neglect at their former home. "Former"by the way is spelled with an er, as in the Artist formerly known as a high strung cow; rather than Formally a high strung heifer. Anyone with a high school diploma ought to know the difference, but that is beside my point.

"So just what is your point, Mom?"
Lillibelle, you need to stop sleeping on my breezeway furniture. So that is about where we are at this time with preparations. Hoping for another successful event in our backyard. We always have a good time and we are so so grateful for the help we receive in the prep, as well as all the kind folks who are willing to bring a side dish or dessert or ice or drinks or whatever! It all adds up to a most joyous event!! Preparations will continue this evening and maybe I'll be lucky enough to capture them on camera again for your enjoyment.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Today's accomplishments

I managed to roll my eyes x1 this date... that is all.

Worship, prayer and coffee hour at St.Tim's - Have I mentioned that I love our church?

Bailey Boil is coming- I did nothing for preparation today, rather I became extremely bored watching the World Cup Final till I fell asleep. Those droning vuvuzelas are like a lullaby. I let Chris do all the work today. I will commence preparations tomorrow betwixt a trip to the pool and VBS.

The VW was sold today.

Some trees got watered.

Some tomatoes got picked.

Some yummy enchiladas and taters got eaten at my dad's. He joked that a 7 course meal in Ireland consists of a baked potato and a six pack of beer- that made me snicker, because that sounds pretty good to me right now.

A couple pooches got a pat and a belly rub.

I attempted to read Lynne Baron's blog, but the kids... __________(fill in the blank)

I got to watch 30+ kids paint tongue depressors at VBS- it was great!

I laughed a lot when my friend Jenny played a hysterical joke on me.

I came home contented, loving life, loving my sweetpea girls and my handsome hubby! Life is Good- it said so on my Yukon and I believe it more and more all the time.

Friday, July 2, 2010

It only looks this good because of the Ruritan Thrift Store downtown. I intend to get up there this morning for a new shipment of Bailey stuff. Usually it is little girl hand-me-downs, and the occasional big-people treasures (I shall refrain from using the word junk here). This morning is gloriously cool so I can stand the cavernous unfinished upstairs. If I ever want to finish this house, I must continue to keep the piles relatively small up there. I don't need any extra deterrents once we get the motivation (and cashola) to get going on this daunting project. For now, the master bathroom must take precedence (as well as all our vacation funds). We shall see if Canada materializes for us this summer after these needed repairs. We haven't taken a week trip since probably 2003 (back when we had money...oh, money, where DID you GO?) when we finished off our Colorado experience with a wonderful family vacation in Arizona and Utah. Oh, geez, I sound like I'm complaining... so let me just say that every day I spend in the Junction, here at Little CO, is almost like a vacation. How many people can leisurely stroll down to a lovely lake with their children and puppy dogs and just commence to hang out? It's a good life. I still want to see Niagara Falls though :)
On another positive note: I caught a 12-pack of Fat Tire on sale at Food Lion in Oxford yesterday for 12.99. Downside: there was only one 12-pack left... CURSES!! Love that stuff!