So here's problemo of the momento. This is the 4th year I've planted a vegetable garden here at "Little Colorado". I planted it earlier than in the past and I was still working as the plants were being established with the aid of much fertilizer. I'm no expert as you can plainly see, of course, I just stick stuff in the ground and take care of it as best as I know how. I learn something new every year. Well, obviously, grass also loves the fertilizer and because I wasn't out of school yet, I just didn't have time to get on top of this grass issue. It just plain got away from me. Then I had surgery and was unable to do anything for several days then we traveled. I tried pulling alot of it out by hand but the roots are so established around the roots of my plants, it's impossible to not destroy my bean plants, etc. I would try to chop it up with a hoe; however, with the drip line kind of stuck there, I can't really get in there like I want to. Plus it's frigging 100 degrees and quite honestly, the thought of this sort of work makes me melt into my flip flops. So I'm at the point where I'm just going to consider the grass as great shade for my plants. I feel like we all need shade these days. Is that so bad?? I feel like I need affirmation here... anyone? anyone?
Also, the new rule at our house is that you don't leave your shoes out on the breezeway. We have a flip flop thief on the loose around here. A couple weeks ago, I knew who the culprit was and now I should also consider Lilybelle as being armed and dangerous. I mean, you just never know. Today, after the lawnmower man was long gone, I found my old black Rainbows chopped up in the side lawn. How they got there is anyone's guess. I hadn't seen them in 2 days. I'm just thankful it wasn't my new pair of Rainbows.
I hear grass works wonders for beans. :)